n recent years, sending cards as Happy Thanksgiving messages is becoming increasingly popular. It is definitely a great way to start the holiday season on the right foot. In this article, we will discuss some of our favourite Happy Thanksgiving card quotes (which you could copy and paste directly), as well as how and when to send your cards. We’ve even included some of the most popular ways of celebrating Turkey Day! Here is everything you need for a memorable Thanksgiving…
When and where is Thanksgiving?
Although we associate it with the USA, Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in several countries around the world including Brazil, Canada, Grenada, Liberia, and Saint Lucia.
In the States, the harvest feast shared by the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people in 1621 would later become known as the first thanksgiving. The pilgrims organised the meal in gratitude after the Native Americans had assisted the colonists in growing crops. However, it was in 1863 that Lincoln declared the national day of Thanksgiving, during the American Civil War. It was later moved back to the last Thursday in November to extend Christmas shopping.
In Canada, Thanksgiving is on the second Monday in October. There is some dispute about how the holiday originated there, but it is believed to have been due to the recovery of the Prince of Wales after an illness. Whereas, in Brazil, the holiday is called Dia de Ação de Graças. It was first celebrated there in the 1940s after the President had enjoyed an American Thanksgiving and wanted to share the fun. For both traditions, people like to send Happy Thanksgiving messages.
5 ways to celebrate Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is undoubtedly a time to gather together and celebrate the ones we cherish. It is a day of family, feasting and thankfulness. Some ways you could celebrate Thanksgiving could include:
Giving thanks: Although it may seem obvious, a traditional thanksgiving tradition is going around the dinner table and declaring what each person has been thankful for that year. It is a great way to show gratitude and reconnect as a group.
Enjoy Thanksgiving dinner: Potatoes, yams, and a succulent roasted turkey! Food is everything at this time of year. Whatever your thanksgiving dinner is, it should be with the ones you love, and there should be lots of it!
Watch football: For some, watching a game of football is an important part of their Thanksgiving traditions. You could even persuade the family together to play this All-American game, but remember it is all in good fun.
Share recipes: We do some of the best cooking of the year during Thanksgiving! As a result, this is a great time to share family recipes, indulge in yummy Thanksgiving desserts and cook with parents and grandparents.
Watch the Thanksgiving Parade: In America, the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is an essential component of this holiday. In fact, American families have been enjoying this festive spectacle for over 90 years!
What to write on a Thanksgiving card
It is only recently that people began sending cards for Turkey day. However, Thanksgiving is all about the appreciation of those we love. Plus, writing a heartfelt message on a card is a great way to add an extra special touch to your greetings.
Looking for more card inspiration? Check out our favourite Happy Thanksgiving messages:
#1 A message of thankfulness
Stick with the traditional theme and include a message of gratitude to your Thanksgiving card quotes, such as this message:

This year I am thankful for you! Your presence in my life enriches it. Sending Thanksgiving wishes from my home to yours. May your day be a reminder of all the wonders of this life.
#2 Happy Thanksgiving Messages for the family
Looking for a Thanksgiving message for the family who you are sharing the day with:

Of all things I am thankful for, you are at the top of the list! This special day is extra special when I get to spend it with my favourites. Love you always.
#3 Great Happy Thanksgiving quotes for the cook
Sending a Thank-You card for the cook is a great way to embody the spirit of the holiday, you could write:

Thank you so much for the yummy meal, but I don’t think I will eat again for a while. This year, I am definitely thankful for stretchy pants! Hope your holiday season is filled with magic. Happy Thanksgiving.
#4 To the ones who couldn’t make it
It can be difficult spending Thanksgiving away from those we love, but a thoughtful card can make all the difference. It is usually best if your Happy Thanksgiving messages are sincere and personalised, but you could write something like this:

Even though we cannot be together this Thanksgiving, you are in our hearts and our minds. I am so grateful for having you in my life and we will make next year extra special! I hope your holiday is filled with peace, love and happiness!
# 5 A touch of humour
If you are looking to put a smile on your recipient’s face, you could add a little humour to your message. Food-related funny thanksgiving card quotes are always a success, like this one:

You are sweeter than pumpkin pie, more entertaining than the Macy’s Parade, and I love you more than cranberry sauce. Let us hope we have a better Thanksgiving day than the turkey! May your gathering be both fun and tasty. Happy Holidays!
Top Tip: If you are still struggling to write your Thanksgiving cards, check here for even more tips and tricks for writing your Thanksgiving card quotes and greetings.
When to send your Happy Thanksgiving Messages by?
To avoid rush shipping charges and excess stress during the holidays; we would always advise you to aim to get Thanksgiving cards sent ahead of time. The post in the USA can take up to 8 working days unless it is first class. Plus, Thanksgiving marks the start of the holiday season when the postal service gets extra busy. We also need to remember it may not be likely the post office delivers on the day. If you are looking to send thanksgiving card quotes overseas, it can take even longer and we would suggest getting it posted at the start of November.
Top Tip: If you are worried about sending out your thanksgiving cards on time, sending them online can often be much easier. MyPostcard has several printing outlets around the world, so we can often ensure your card arrives in time.
Now what?
Discover fun and personalised thanksgiving cards AND tons of free prewritten Happy Thanksgiving messages available at MyPostcard. With the ability to send cards from anywhere to anywhere and create your own bespoke personalised Thanksgiving designs.
Looking for Thanksgiving décor inspiration? Check this out for tons of top tops in decorating your home for this season of gratitude.
Happy Thanksgiving!