31 TOP Inspirational Vintage Quotes on Cards
Here you’ll find some of our new vintage quotes cards. Some of them are funny cards, some of them are motivational and others are just like the statements you were looking for the whole time. Now let’s have a look what our 31 inspirational quotes in vintage style are. Of course, you can send all these quotes as real printed cards by mail worldwide.
#1 A cup of tea… | Vintage Quote

#2 You can’t stop the waves…| Vintage Quote

#3 All you need is love and a dog | Vintage Quote

#4 Don’t grow up it’s a trap | Vintage Quote

#5 Don’t look back you’re not going that way | Vintage Quote

#6 Every accomplishment starts…. | Vintage Quote

#7 Everything is going to be ok in the end. If it’s not ok, it’s not the end

#8 Be happy it drives people crazy

#9 Be your own hero

#10 Beer is a proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy

#11 Failure is only the opportunity to begin again – only this time more wisely

#12 Believe you can & you’re halfway there

#13 Do more of what makes you happy

#14 Happiness is a journey not a destination

#15 Houston we have a problem

#16 I miss your stupid face

#17 If I had one wish it would be you

#18 If you must choose between two evils pick the one you’re never done before

#19 All you need is 20 seconds of insane courage and I promise something great will come for it

#20 If you never try you’ll never know

#21 If you were looking for a sign this is it

#22 It’s always darkest before the dawn

#23 Life always offers you a second chance it’s called tomorrow

#24 Life begins at the end of your comfort zone

#25 My imagination will get me a passport to hell one day

#26 Stay hungry stay foolish

#27 The start is what stops most people

#28 Well, it has become wildly impossible not to be in love with you

#29 When nothing is sure everything is possible

#30 Would you like an adventure now or shall we have our tea first?

#31 Your head exists only as a home for your mustaches

Send all inspirational vintage quotes as real printed cards.
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By the way: Send your own pictures as a real postcard! The easiest way? Use MyPostcard! Just pick your favorite photos, edit them, add your own greeting text and the address of the recipient. Have fun & create awesome personalized postcards!
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