Let’s be honest, pregnancy is not the easiest time in a woman’s life. If it’s not the constant mood swings and cravings, the fact that you are getting bigger by the day gets to you. However, there are some pretty solid perks that come with the magic of pregnancy. For instance, the glowing skin and a curvaceous body, not to mention the new life growing inside you. All these and other perks of pregnancy are definitely worth remembering. So, if you have a little bun in the oven, I suggest you take as many pregnancy photos as you can. If not for you, then do it for your little miracle. Here are some amazing pregnancy photography tips.
Pregnancy Photography Tips #1
Choose The Right Time Of Your Pregnancy

You want to pick the perfect time when your belly is showing just right. Too soon and you risk looking more of “well-fed” than pregnant. A belly too big on the other hand is quite challenging to pose. You will end up getting tired quickly and losing balance.
So when exactly is the right time? In between 28 to 30 weeks of your pregnancy is usually an ideal time for most ladies. While this is true, listening to your body and assessing your stamina will help tell when it’s time. This is especially because not all pregnancies are the same. Some show a little early while others are somewhat shy.
Pregnancy Photography Tips #2
Hands On Your Tummy

It is obvious that the main focus here is your beautiful baby bump. To draw attention to this, pose with your hand or sometimes even both hands on your belly. You can go for the one hand on the waist while the other is under your tummy. Your partner gently holding your stomach from behind is another creative pose. Point is, whatever you do, focus on your bulging stomach using your hands.
Pregnancy Photography Tips #3
Natural Light Usually Beats Artificial

I’m a huge fan of studio photos but nothing screams graceful like a maternity photo shot in natural light. Try to take advantage of early morning and late evening lighting while avoiding the mid-morning glare. If your house is not well lit, a photo near the window or doorway will illuminate your natural glow. You can also easily step outside and pose against a natural setting say a tree. Remember to gently clutch your belly!
Pregnancy Photography Tips #4
Mind Your Background

Your poses might be sticking but a poor background can make the whole composition and setting come crumbling down. If you are shooting at the studio the risk of a distracting background slim. On the other hand, home photos always risk exposing an unmade bed or some serious clutter. I’ve also seen some really awkward photos thanks to poor posing and over emphasized backgrounds. You don’t have to fit your whole house in the background to make the shot count. Less is more in this kind of photography. A simple pose on your sofa laying on your side will do. Or you can lean against a wall in your living room. Just ensure it does not have too much décor or it will be destructive.
Pregnancy Photography Tips #5
It’s All About The Curves, So Dress Right

Many women think maternity photos and automatically run for maternity clothes. Loose and baggy are not always the ideal dress code for a pregnancy shoot. Fine, you might place your hand on the belly to emphasize on the baby bump but a well-fitting dress is much better at this. It not only shows your bump but also focuses on your other curves. Try on a comfortable but fitting dress or go for a tank top. A little crop top action is highly encouraged to show some skin while at it.
In the name of avoiding distractions, you ought to go for plain, solid colors instead of prints. They not only shift the focus in the photo but in some cases, prints and patterns may result in your belly looking bigger or smaller. They also time stamp a photo since certain prints are common for certain fashion seasons. Solid colors, on the other hand, are timeless.
Pregnancy Photography Tips #6
It Doesn’t Have To Be Just About The Mama

While it’s great to get shots of the mother alone, involving other family members can lead to epic results. Now wait a minute, I’m not saying you should call over you whole family. What I mean is, involve the dad in the pic by posing with him. The supportive clutching of your belly from behind is quite a timeless pose. Better yet, have him kiss your belly as u look down towards him. Common but heartwarming. To add a little fun to the whole experience, you can have your man make funny or surprised reactions at your belly.
If you have other kids, involving them in the shot can be quite exciting too. Have them sit with you or kiss your belly. It shows the eagerness and excitement of a new sibling.
Pregnancy Photography Tips #7
Creativity Always Takes The Crown

As in any type of photography, a little creativity is always welcomed. How about going for abstract shots? Zoom in on the gorgeous belly without capturing the face. You can have the subject hold her belly for effect. If you have both parents holding her tummy, even better.
In the name of creativity, pregnant belly painting is very much encouraged. I have seen some pretty interesting baby bump paintings that always light up the shot. Why not give it a shot?
It’s a wrap!
Don’t let the magic of pregnancy pass by without taking a few photos for the future. Take this as a chance to tell your baby’s story from the beginning. Leave alone infant photos and first birthday pics. It starts from pregnancy. If you can, go all the way and pay a professional photographer with some experience on maternity photos. Finally, look past the swelling belly, try to ignore your tired feet and smile through the pictures. It will be totally worth it. I promise.
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