This year was – let’s put it this way – special. While social distancing and isolation were and are everywhere we look, we as a postcard company saw this as a new responsibility. The main incentives for sending postcards and using MyPostcard lay, until March 2020, in the vacation & travel industry. One thing was clear: This would change. So our new challenge became answering one question …
…How can we stay close during a pandemic?
Because when you can no longer travel to see one another, one thing remains important: staying in touch. And that is exactly what became our focus in 2020. With MyPostcard you can leave a surprise in your loved ones’ mailbox without even leaving your house – and in just a few clicks.
But first of all, sending mail had sparked a completely different debate: Is it even safe to receive mail? According to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine on March 17, 2020, the virus cannot survive on cardboard for more than 24 hours. All viable particles decay during the day. So in a nutshell: It is very unlikely that you will get infected with Covid-19 through mail. Anyone who is still worried can, as a precautionary measure, wipe the post with anti-bacterial gel and then wash their hands!
The campaign: One million free postcards for Germany
In November 2020, after a more or less carefree summer, Germany announced another lockdown. For many, a whole world collapsed: Christmas without family, New Year’s Eve without friends? What now?
Even though it’s difficult, restricting contacts, the AHA formula, and the Corona warning app are now more important than ever and also an effective means against the spread of the virus.
But right now it’s also vital to think about people who are feeling alone. And this is where our one million postcard campaign comes into effect! Together with Deutsche Post AG (the German postal service), we are giving away one million postcards – free of charge! Our graphic designers have created a choice of almost 100 designs for this campaign.
Under the motto #FürMichFürUns (#ForMeForUs) we want to give all of Germany the opportunity to tell their grandparents, friends, colleagues and so on that they are being thought of.
The postcards can be sent free of charge and personalized with your own photos. In addition, ready-made designs are available! You just have to write a message and fill in the address field. MyPostcard and Deutsche Post handle the printing and delivery for you. Send up to three free postcards here (per person, while stocks last)!
Behind the scenes of our campaign shoot
Within a few weeks, Deutsche Post’s and our one million postcards campaign was ready to go and start connecting people. But one challenge was still ahead: How will we let Germany know about it?
Idea after idea gets rejected by the marketing team – after all, the motto is #stayhome!
Reduced to the bare essentials and in compliance with the corona measures, we finally did it: the campaign shoot was on! Our photographer wore a mask and time slots were assigned for the models – meaning that at all times, there was a maximum of three people in the room (we shot in our office, by the way!)

At this point we would like to say a big thank you to and their agent, Cristina, who was a great help in choosing our models despite the close deadline.
Just two days later, the project was rolled out: billboards all over Berlin are drawing attention to our lockdown gift! Here’s the end result:

Looking to send postcard to prison.
Hey Patty,
Maybe our article on Sending Greetings to Prison can help you!
Best wishes,