Fall is the classic glass half empty versus half full scenario and it brings out the best quirks in all of us.
Either you take up a stark ‘winter is coming’ attitude (if you didn’t get the reference we can’t be friends), or you fall (oops) into a strange pattern of describing leaves in boring detail to almost everyone you meet. You’ll find yourself saying, ‘ooooh look at the leaves – how they’ve changed from green to red and gold, so beautiful etc, etc’. But, actually you’ve got a point – why focus on the winter ahead or the summer we’re leaving behind?
Because the autumn offers more than just Game of Thrones references and self-appointed poets. Alongside its admittedly gorgeous natural views, is a relaxing climate, peace and quiet (otherwise known as lack of school children, at least during the week) and an array of awesome fall activities. Plus, you know, fewer biting insects.
We’ve put together a few awesome ideas on how to spend your autumn wisely (aka have fun) – with or without the kids. Whatever kind of person you are – and we’re prepared to admit there’s a few more than the two described above – there is, without a doubt, something here that’ll strike a chord with you.
P.S. If you’re looking for amazing destinations to visit around the US, look no further! Here is the ultimate list of destinations that positively require a visit in the USA!
Fall Weekend Getaways #1
Set the Happy Camper Inside You Free!

What better time than Fall for a camping trip? Well … none.
If you’re a fan of camping, you’ll know all about its perks. Getting away from technology, work, or those people who are better kept at a distance (literally). Long peaceful walks through nature that you wouldn’t normally get to experience. Relaxing evenings bonding with your camping friends or partner, perhaps playing cards or sipping a beer. Or doing both if you’re an ambitious one.
And in Autumn, you can experience all this – minus the negatives. The cooler temperatures of the Autumn mean that you don’t spend your days surreptitiously hiding sweat patches from a partner who still believes women don’t sweat, fervently wishing for a shower and regretting the day you were drawn in by promises of shining stars, romance or family bonding.
Fewer insects prevent you picking fights based solely on the fact that you’re not liking your chances against the mosquito buzzing so threateningly around the tent. It also reduces the chances of coming home looking like you’re recovering from a vicious bout of the chicken pocks.
Your camping trip doesn’t need to be in the land of far, far away or in a state on the other side of America. We’ll bet you a tenner that you have some pretty nice, still unexplored areas right bang you live. You could even camp in your very own backyard. If you’re looking for a bit of a trip though, head to the beautiful Glacier National Park on the Montana-Canada border.
Whatever you decide, there is nothing like sitting around a fire, making s’mores, perhaps singing a throw-back to your days at summer camp. ?
Fall Weekend Getaways #2
Visit A U-pick Farm (Eat As Much As Possible)

U-pick farms can make a gorgeous day trip. In one of these many farms spread across the United States (and of course in other parts of the world too), you can pick your own berries, apples, pumpkins – even Christmas trees (although we consider it still a little early). The idea isn’t really about avoiding the occasional supermarket dud vegetable, of course: The idea is to eat as much as possible before you get to weighing your pickings at the checkout. But shhh, you didn’t hear it from us.
If this isn’t your mission (strange, but okay), these farms offer even more. If you’re thinking about heading down with the kids, then look into what your local farms offer in the way of activities; many have playgrounds, hay rides, and mini classes. Not that you have to be a kid to take part in activities or learn something new – why not try chatting with the farmers and learning a little about the plants and crops.
Our special tip? Don’t eat any grapes before they reach wine-hood (aka when they’re still on they’re still on the vine and have no alcohol content). You will regret it.
Fall Weekend Getaways #3
Fairs And Festivals

Fall brings with it some fabulous festivals and fairs. These events tend to be perfect for you to drag the children off to. Filled with fun activities, such as rides, games and corn mazes, and topped off with wonderful snacks and beverages, what could be more exciting? Take a short trip to check some of these out or make it more of a road trip by visiting one in a different town or state.
Do you like balloons? (Don’t worry, this question is actually leading somewhere.) If you’re anywhere near New Mexico, then head to the annual Albuquerque International Balloon festival. Rent a hot air balloon, and join the hundreds already in the sky, or simply watch the sight of a lifetime from down below. You’ll be wanting to bring your camera.
Alternatively, think about attending a Columbus Fall Festival near you, where you’ll find local foods, American music and kid-friendly events enough to exhaust the culture vulture lurking within.
Fall Weekend Getaways #4
Relax all weekend in a spa
D’you know what? Sometimes, I just want to relax in a sauna, get a massage and have a facial – and much like Shania Twain, I got a feeling that I’m not the only one. Is it really so much to ask?
Who knows/who cares: just do it. Nature holidays aren’t always what’s required after all, and autumn weather can be a bit nippy! So gather your best friends or your other half, leave the kids with granny & grandad and hop in the car to your nearest spa. Take a look at Groupon to gather the best deals or ring ahead to book the services you’re craving.
You can get the best of both worlds by searching for a spa with an amazing view of the trees changing their coats, or alternatively, of a pool, heated and clear. You know, whatever calls to you, basically…
Fall Weekend Getaways #5
Take a road trip
You know how every time you open the car door in summer, an unappetizing puff of hot air greets you rather like a slap in the face? How sitting on the burning leather seats provides you with a good impression of how hell might feel? Well luckily enough, you don’t get any of that in Autumn. Time for a road trip then!
Download your fave music to belt out in the car, bring plenty of munchables and a change of undies and off you go. (If you were anticipating more of a complete guide to planning a road trip, look no further). On the way, why not stop off to pick your own vegetables, perhaps visit a local fair before setting up camp for the night and having a chat about your spa date next weekend?
Autumn offers so many great options for special fall weekend getaways or just a memorable day out. Its beautiful backdrop provides the perfect setting for your adventures – but also your photos, so make sure to capture those practically ready-made profile picture ‘candids’, along with the funny moments which’ll keep you remembering your getaway throughout the cold winter. You might even consider sending your favorite photos as postcards direct from your phone to mum back home or your siblings and friends.
Continue reading with our fall bucket list for 2022, perfect for making memories!
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