Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! … Mhmm. Maybe you’re looking for a slightly more meaningful message than that?
Discover everything you need to know to help mom enjoy a Happy Mother’s Day right here. From what to write in a Mother’s Day card to when exactly Mother’s Day is in your country. Along with some top tips on how to make her feel special, you’ll also discover when to send your Mother’s Day card for a timely arrival.
Top tip: Want to know where you can find personalizable card designs, pre-written card quotes and a platform which mails your design for you – all in one (free) app..? Say hello to MyPostcard app.
Where and when is Mother’s Day?
Not only is Mother’s Day celebrated on a different date in many countries, it also changes yearly. Mostly, that’s because of the different traditions surrounding the day. One thing’s for sure – moms have been honored for centuries on this special day.
In the table below, you’ll find the dates for Mother’s Day in 2021, 2022 and 2023.
Country | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 |
The USA | May 8th | May 14th | May 12th |
Canada | May 8th | May 14th | May 12th |
The UK | March 27th | March 19th | March 10th |
Australia | May 8th | May 14th | May 12th |
5 Perfect Ways to Make You Mom Feel Special

Mother’s Day or Mothering Sunday is LITERALLY all about making moms feel special. And after everything they’ve done for us, one day in a year in the minimum we can give back and make them feel truly treasured. But how?
1. Give her your time! Set aside the whole day or even the whole weekend to make her feel like a queen. During this time, you could take her out for brunch or simply bring over a bottle of her favorite and a good movie.
2. Treat her… Take mom out for a meal or a spa day. If your budget won’t allow that, then how about making a homemade picnic full of tasty treats and eating it in your garden decorated for the occasion or the park. A present wouldn’t be a bad idea either – check out these 4 DIY Mother’s Day gift ideas.
3. Long distance? Make sure to give her a call (not just a text!) and try to make it video so she can see your face. If you need ideas for a long distance Mother’s Day, then make sure to read these 10 ways to make Mother’s Day special from a distance.
4. Clean and tidy her house and decorate it with some flowers! She’ll appreciate the effort you’ve gone to and if she’s often the one who ends up cleaning – it’ll also save her some work!
5. Send her a proper Happy Mother’s Day card – even if you’ll be together on the day itself. This will show you’ve thought about her in advance and give her a lasting memory – especially if it’s personalized with a photo of the two of you!
Parenting bloggers share their top ideas for making mom feel loved
Don’t take our word on ways to show mom you love her. We’ve collected some tips from our favorite influencers below. Discover more tips on their blogs…
Have a virtual brunch date – Spending quality time with your mom is sure to bring joy to her heart! She might not be keen on the idea of eating out as a result of the pandemic but that doesn’t mean that you can’t order brunch for you to enjoy with her! Even if you are in separate locations you can order food for the both of you and video conference while enjoying your special meal together.
-Shavonne from TheGoandGrowFamily
“I went through all of the photos of the kids and printed them on little instant camera style prints on the MyPostcard app as well. Under each photo there is a little message of the memory! I clipped them on little fairy string lights for Mom-mom (our kids’ loving name for my mom) for the kids to box up for her. I picture her hanging this work of art in her office where the kids always color and play when they go to visit.”
Allison from TheDealParty
So this mother’s day I am honouring and celebrating all the mothers who have come before me. To them who have made this job look so easy. To my own mother who has shown a strength that I am only now able to fully appreciate. What can I do to let these women know how much they are loved and appreciated? I would love to send all the moms flowers and Chanel. But I am trying a new thing called “a budget.”
So I am sending my mom a special written message. Except my lazy self doesn’t have any inclination to go to a store or to the post office. Which is why this Mother’s Day, I am sending some of the moms in my life a personalized card from MyPostcard
Rajbinder from ThisMamaNeedsaVacay
Video Chat with Mom – Wondering how to show mom you love her? Tell her right to her face. No matter where in the world we are, we can (almost) always video chat with mom. She loves seeing our faces and interacting with us. We do too! If I am feeling extra organized, I get my brother and nephew on the video call so we can all be together virtually. FaceTime, Skype, and Zoom are all good apps for video chatting.
Melynda from TravelingMel
What to Write in a Mother’s Day Card: 5 Ideas
Finding the perfect Mother’s Day saying for your card might seem like a difficult task… It’s not easy to put your thoughts into words sometimes. If that’s you, simply borrow one of these Happy Mother’s Day card quotes and personalize for you or download the MyPostcard app to use one of the many perfect Mother’s Day quotes already available (free) in the app.
1. Thank you

Thank you for everything you’ve done for me over the years, mom. You are selfless and an absolute inspiration. If only everyone could have a mother like you! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day mom. You deserve it!
2. Best mom in the world

To the best mom in the world, Happy Mother’s Day! If anyone deserves a marvellous day today, it’s you. I wish you all the joy and happiness in the world. After all, there has to be some kind of perk for the job title of ‘best mom’ – other than having me as a child of course!
3. Joke

Dearest mom, I know I’ve been a handful sometimes… Bottoms wiped, noses cleaned and tantrums endured – but nobody ever said making a masterpiece was easy! Just kidding, Happy Mother’s Day, mom! I hope you enjoy your day of being pampered (but don’t get too used to it!)
4. Sincerity

I’ll put it simply: You’re an absolute inspiration to me in everything you do. People say they don’t want to turn into their mothers. But if I turn out like you, I’ll consider myself blessed. Sending all my love!
5. Famous quote

“Life doesn’t come with a manual, it comes with a Mother.” This phrase sums up my feelings exactly! I know you’re always there for me, mom and I hope you know I’ll always be there for you too. I learned from the best!
When to send your Mother’s Day card
Depending on where your mom lives, you should think about sending your card about a week in advance. If you’re wondering about prices, we’ve listed the postage costs for postcards here – both domestic and international for each country worldwide.
Read on for approximate delivery times for your country for sending cards and postcards domestically.
Post in the USA can take up to 8 working days if you’re not posting first class – so remember to factor in the weekend and post around a week and a half ahead.
Post in Canada usually takes about 4 working days although local and regional post should come quicker in about 2-3 days.
The UK
Post inside of the UK takes 2-3 days to arrive or 1-2 for first class post. We recommend you leave yourself another day’s room just in case.
In Australia, cards often take between 5-7 working days depending on where you are sending to in the country.
Psst! You’re sending cards internationally but time’s running out to send? With MyPostcard, your cards are printed in two regions in the USA, Guernsey in the UK, Australia and Germany. Printing everyday (excluding weekends) by midday, you’re cards are guaranteed speedy delivery to neighbouring countries.