A couple in your circle of friends is taking the next step and moving in together? Your brother has (finally) left Hotel Mom? Or your best friend and flatmate is moving into their own four walls? Whatever the scenario, the upshot is that you are now looking for housewarming messages for your new home card!
Then check out the best messages for your housewarming wishes to friends and family for you to copy, paste and personalize for moving cards.
Haven’t got your housewarming card yet? The MyPostcard app lets you personalize your cards with photos and text, prints and sends your card anywhere in the world from $2.99 – and international delivery is free! What’s more, you’ll find a much larger selection of (free) sayings, quotes and message ideas for moving cards and for every other occasion that you can easily add to your card and edit.
Want more quotes and for other occasions? Discover all of our awesome selections from Christmas to birthdays right here.
Messages for your housewarming messages

Traditional housewarming messages for moving cards
These housewarming ceremony or party congratulations are perfect for a longer and more personal message.
#1 Take good care
We wish you the best of luck in your new home and an awesome housewarming! Take good care of your money and take good care of your own little world!
#2 Bread and salt
Did you know that giving the gift of bread and salt is a housewarming tradition that goes back generations? Why? The bread promises a good life – and a secure one. Salt symbolizes spice, so that you have lots of fun in your new home! So I wish you a good, secure and most of all, fun, life ahead in your new four walls!
#3 Advice from the heart
Always leave your worries and complaints at the door. Then you’ll always be happy here! Congratulations on your new home!
#4 Your own four walls
Congratulations on moving into your own four walls. I hope your new home offers you warmth, security and joy.
Classic short housewarming congratulations messages and quotes
- Where your heart feels safe. That’s your home.
- In the house where joy lives, happiness always move in too. – Cicero (Translated from the German)
- Every new journey begins with a single step.
- May your home be your castle.
- Learn to be tidy, and love it. It will save you time and effort.
Housewarming messages for the first shared apartment
- Congrats on the move! I wish you much luck and happiness in your new domesticity – but most of all, I wish you pure satisfaction!
- Magic lives in every new start – Hermann Hesse (Translated from German)
- A house is where dreams grow and prosper. It’s the moment, or the person, where you know that you’re home!
- And sometimes being home just means a shoulder to lean on, when times get hard.
- I wish for you both that you make space for each other always in your new rooms.
New home messages for new flat shares
- Home is where your WIFI-connects automatically.
- Congrats on moving in without me (and congrats on your new home too!)
- Never shut your door on me, or I’ll open another one!
- Save the date for the next flat party! Every Friday from now on! Right?
Housewarming quotes for your sister or brother who are flying the nest
- I wish you tons of new experiences and memories. For example, remember that you have to wash your dishes yourself now. Otherwise, you’ll have some unpleasant experiences.
- Enjoy the next part of your life. I call it: “Finally living independently, but still washing your stuff at home”
- Door shut, feet up, Netflix on. You can finally do what you want!
- Your first flat is something special. Especially tiring, but exceedingly special. All the best for the next chapter!
- Wherever you live, you’ll always have a home with me. Sending my best!
Best housewarming wishes for your bestie
- Your biggest mistake was telling me where you live. Or did you think I was going to NOT visit you every single day?
- New neighbors, new address, new happiness! So much newness – it’s a good thing you can always count on old friends.
- For your new flat, I wish that it will always be too small to fit all the friends in who will constantly be visiting you!
- Goethe said: A new home – a new person. I hope he was wrong, because I liked the old you just fine. Congrats on your new place!
- Mallorca is nice. But being with you at home is better!
Housewarming messages for moving into your own house
- You’re moving int your new house today. Let it get a chaotic. Take your time. Soon, you’ll be walking around your house in your slippers with everything done and dusted. Everything will be done from the kitchen pans to the cupboard, with each room just to your tastes. Congratulations on your new home!
- Congratulations on your new home! In this house, you’ll live, love and fight. You’ll laugh loudly, and make mistakes. You’ll clean up in a frenzy before visitors arrive, because when it’s just you, order is taken less seriously. It will soon be the place where everything begins, and a smile is always waiting.
- People say a home isn’t a place, but a feeling. With your amazing new home, you must be feeling on top of the world! Congrats on your new house!
Well wishes for your new neighbors
- Welcome to the neighborhood! We’re the ones who will only give you flour, milk or eggs if we’re eating the cake together!
- Good neighbors are a real blessing. That’s why we want to get our relationship off to a good start! We hope you settle in well to your new home. We’ll see you around!
- Next to each other. With each other. For each other. To welcome you to the neighborhood, we have a quote by Erwin Koch: The ideal neighbor is invisible and inaudible. But always there, when you really need them!
Did you find the perfect quote for your ‘new home’ card?

Awesome! Have fun writing! And if you’re still missing a card for the new movers, make sure to check out our many personalizable designs here.
Or check out all of our quotes and messages for other occasions. Make sure to save this site for the next time you need the perfect message!
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