Mother’s Day is fast approaching. If you haven’t organized anything to celebrate with your own mother yet and are looking for inspiration, then you’ve come to the right place! I’ve put together a carefully curated list of cheap or even free ideas for celebrating Mother’s Day to the max. Some take a little preparation, but most take hardly any and none more than a couple of hours. So no matter how much time you have to plan celebrating Mother’s Day, peruse my list and make your mom happy 🙂

Days out to celebrate Mother’s Day

Window shopping

A mom and daughter window shopping while celebrating Mother's Day

If your mom is more of a material girl, why not take her window shopping? You can go try on outfits together and see what you would buy if you had unlimited funds. Maybe choose each other’s outfits as a way to see how well you know each other’s style (or just to laugh at each other when you end up wearing something ridiculous!). If you like you could also offer to pay for lunch while you are out or even just a coffee and cake to keep your stamina up.

Go hiking

This is a lovely, active way to celebrate and guarantees some quality time spent with you and your mother (and any other family members/friends who might want to join). Make sure to be aware of everyone’s physical capabilities and base your walk around the least active member so that no one is struggling and you can all enjoy being in nature together. Ideas for where to walk include parks, forests, nature reserves, along beaches or just in general countryside.

Go for a drive somewhere pretty

A mom putting on lipstick in preparation for a celebratory Mother's Day roadtrip!

If your mom is not so active, a nice way of celebrating Mother’s Day is to spend a day out with her could be to drive around somewhere pretty. This could be to a nearby beauty spot or just around the countryside. You can take a picnic to eat together at a place you choose to stop off too.

Mother’s Day celebrations for foodies

Bake a cake

A mom and daughter bake together celebrating Mother's Day

Who doesn’t love cake?

Baking a cake doesn’t cost the earth and is a great way to show your mom that you thought of her and spent time making something delicious (and perfectly celebratory) for her on Mothers’ Day. Find out (if you don’t already know) what kind of cake she prefers and get a recipe online. Cake baking is more of a science than an art and so as long as you find a fairly simple recipe, just follow the instructions precisely and you should be good to go! Regarding decoration you can go as wild and wacky or plain and simple as you like. For the most simple just hold a sieve around 15 inches above the cake and put in a tablespoon of powdered sugar, shake it around a bit and the sugar should fall down and create a cute snowy looking layer across the top of the cake.

Alternatively, try celebrating Mother’s Day by suggesting you do it together! People love to be asked for advice, and this way you get some quality time tofet

Cook her a meal that reminds you of her

This one requires a little more creativity and possibly some more technical knowledge, but is great for anyone who likes to cook. Think a little about what foods remind you of your mom and create a meal from some of it. It can be meals she used to cook you, meals you have heard her talk about or meals you shared together. Get creative and wow her with your culinary prowess!

Gift ideas to celebrate mom

Photo collage

A poster collage of photos as a gift for Mother's Day

A photo collage of your family is a great gift/memento for your mom. You can make it simple, filling a rectangle/square shape with photos to fit in a frame, or go wild and try for a “Mom” shaped outline. This can be easily made using digital photos and printed at home or at a specific photo printing facility for a more polished look.

Recreate an old photo

Another photo idea that can be fairly easily created but needs a little more advance preparation is the recreation of an old photo. Choose one of your mother’s favorites, find clothes as similar as possible and recreate those poses! Bonus points for accurate recreation of hairstyles 🙂 

Playlist. A totally free gift that you can give your mom and that you can enjoy together, is making her a playlist. You can use any number of streaming services to create a list of songs that remind you of her.


At home disco

A small gathering celebrating Mother's Day viewed from above.

One that works better at night but also doable with blackout blinds is to turn your living room into a disco party to celebrate! If your mum is a dancing queen she’ll love this idea. You can turn out the lights, play music through speakers and use your tv for a cool light display. Buy glowsticks for extra authenticity and maybe mix up a few cocktails to boogie with.

At home spa day.

Pamper your mom this Mothers’ Day by setting up an at home spa for her. Use aromatherapy and calming music to set the scene. Apply face masks, foot soaks, paint her nails, whatever you think she will like to make her feel special.

At home movie theater experience

Turn your home into a movie theater for the day by closing all curtains/blinds, getting a copy of one of her favorite movies on the tv, and popular theater snacks such as popcorn, nachos and ice cream.

Long Distance Mothers

Family video call

A family on video call chatting, two people sitting on the bed with the laptop in front.

Many people are unable to physically be with their mothers on Mothers’ Day, in which case a video call is the next best thing. You can arrange this to include other members of the family too in which you could eat together or even play some games.

Order her a food delivery

Flowers are nice, chocolates are great, but both are a little cliche. If you really want to earn brownie points this year, think about having your mom’s favorite takeaway delivered to her for lunch or dinner! Just make sure she will be in to receive it and know she will appreciate the thought of buying her meal 🙂

We’ve got a whole host of other ideas for long-distance mothers and kids. Make sure to check it out!

Need more Mother’s Day inspiration?

Whether you’re looking for ways to spend mom-child quality time, lovely compliments and words to shower mom with, or perhaps some homemade Mother’s Day gift ideas, we’ve got the article for you.

Browse our Celebrating Mother’s Day section here.

Or go ahead and order your personalized Mother’s Day card! We print and send for you!


Hiya, I’m Maud. I’m an English girl who's moved to Berlin - because who wouldn’t fall in love with a country which has words like ‘Kummerspeck’ hidden around every corner... I love traveling and finding out the quirks of each country - and what better way to remember them than on a postcard?

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